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This does nothing for me. I think she looks great but no thanks to him. A guy giving oral sex leaves me cold, and he looks clumsy doing it. The cap he is wearing on his head looks stupid to me. He looks hard and arrogant - not some one I would like. The one part of him I would like to see is his cock and well it does not appear. The video clip would make her a lot more attractive and interesting if we saw his cock going into her. I know a lot of guys will probably like this but it does nothing for me.
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Nice girl. But I'd offer her something to eat first. She could be glad that I'm a good cook. ^^
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I still don't understand beating off on a girls face. How is that a turn on. If I was standing there and she was sucking me like that the load would have gone in her mouth and you would not see my cock until if finished pumping the load in her mouth.
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When I started dating my now wife in our late teens the husband of a couple she babysat for used to fuck her all the time. They worked different shifts with the husband getting home a few hours earlier. After putting the kids to bed he'd take her into the guest room and screw her.
2014-07-07 03:48:34
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Best orgy I have ever seen if only those were more readily available. The people where I live look like shit. LOL!
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I love to jack off my bf by just pulling his cock out from his jeans. I get such a feeling of accomplishment to see him shoot his cum all over himself and my hand. It makes me so wet to watch him cum. The best part is when I keep playing with his cock and sucking it AFTER he has already cum. It drives him crazy, but it keeps him hard and then I can pull his pants off and sit right down on it and ride him until I cum too.
2014-07-06 20:31:57
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Ok, i can see condoms used for fucking in porn, tho i really dislike them. but really? your going to suck a dick that has a condom on? either loose the condom and suck it and enjoy it, or just dont do it. its not complicated.
2014-07-06 19:51:24
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this crap is so fake, she's not drunk at all and anyone who thinks she is drunk is a moron.
2014-07-06 17:51:02
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Young guys that are looking to loose their virginity, a cougar chick is the way to go. Fuck these young skanks.
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of course I love her ass and the amazing atm, but this girl has a really sexy pussy with gorgeous cuntlips too!
2014-07-06 15:45:19
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i agree with many comments. excessive face fucking and spit ruins it for me. too bad, shes cute, and he has a nice rod. but hes a jackass
2014-07-06 13:46:58
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Dead ugly this cunt is! Please, return the Norwegian passport at the get and fck off back to them muslims!
2014-07-06 13:23:15
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mmmm reminds me of something me and a guy friend of mine did...overall I love this video. but the giggling got annoying.
2014-07-06 10:58:06
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getting a big load in ur snatch feels like a freakin' river flowing up ur pussy, LOL. cum on his cock, then suck it off after he's busted a huge nut, yumm.
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Wow those Implants has to be held up all the time, it seems if she don't it would either hurt from stretching or that she may rip. Sexy and I would fuck her silly, but I feel for her as a reg person when she not preforming.
2014-07-06 06:23:09
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dead rabbit it must have been a real nice pizza delivery. get your dick sucked and get a tip for that. hey that is close to being a gigalo baby.
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well, its obviously fake, who doesn't know that. it just looks like rubber. duh that and the amount of blood it would take to get that hard would come close to making him lose consciousness. if its fake its fake. and if its porn who cares.
2014-07-06 02:02:41
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My ex brother in law shaves me each time we meet for sex.He loves a bald pussy and jerks his load all over my freshly shaved lips when he comes.
2014-07-05 23:34:02
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the guy sucks but her bod be kickin. this chicks tits are so fucking awesome. NADIA HILTON COME FUCK ME!!
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Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Back in the day Ginger Lynn didn't take it in the ass and didn't deep throat. But she was always hot, could suck a dick and would swallow.
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Tiffany's the real deal - a genuine submissive. And she's still got it. Her ass is as awesome as it ever was.
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She's beautiful. I'd definitely try to pick her up if I met her and didn't know she had a cock.
2014-07-05 16:15:30
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ok so i've seen quite a few of their videos but their gettin boring always from behind never from the front does he not like seeing her face when he fucks her? sheesh
2014-07-05 13:20:00
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they last long because they fuck all the time...and they get drugged up too. Her body is so hot in this vid...but that guy fucking annoys me...let her blow you already instead of grabbing her head and skull banging it...sheeeesh.... all his vids suck...
2014-07-05 07:29:09
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